Church of God in Christ, Mennonite

For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid which is Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 3:11

Fear, a secret enemy, invades men of every age and race, and every walk of life. It is subtle and devastating, poisoning our thinking, robbing our inner peace, and squelching our zest for living.
The Church of God in Christ, Mennonite, is a relatively small church among the various denominations known as Mennonites. We endeavor to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ…
God the Father, Jesus Christ the Son, The Holy Spirit, The Bible, Creation, Man, The New Birth, The Church of God, The Great Commission, Baptism, Holy Communion, Feet Washing
Worldwide membership at the end of 2018: 26,648. This map shows countries where we have a presence. This can include churches, Gospel Tract, Christian Service International …
“Peace, where is peace—for our nations, our homes, and most of all for our hearts and minds?” This desperate cry has been heard through the ages. Is it also the cry of your heart?


Welcome to the Church of God in Christ, Mennonite! We are a body of believers in Jesus Christ whose mission is to bring the Gospel light into a lost and dying world. It is our desire to meet you someday in Heaven. Feel free to browse our website. We would be more than happy to hear any comments you may have. Contact Us


The definition of pornography is: movies, pictures, and literature that show or describe erotic behavior intended to cause sexual excitement. While the heart of man

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Garments are often mentioned in the Scriptures and, in many cases, seem to indicate a person’s spiritual nature as it is seen by God and

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Daily Sunday School Bible Readings